I received a call from Marty Terry, the grandson of Charles Bryant, earlier this summer. Marty said he was stunned when he found a photo his grandfather on my site, while performing an Internet search on Google. He couldn't believe it. Well it so happens that his grandfather and my father were both in the 4th Platoon. Talk about a surprise for both of us.
Below are photos and documents, many of which were recently discovered when Marty stumbled upon a trunk in the attic. Stories will be provided by Claudia the daughter of Charles Bryant, whose email is included below.

Hi Marion,
My dad was Charles Bryant from Russell Springs, Kentucky. My son Marty Terry has sent in some pictures and some information and we have lots more to forward.
When I was growing up we used to vacation with the Herb Gravdahl family. They were living in South Dakota. He and Dad were lifelong army buddies. They have both passed away, but my mother and Herb's wife keep in contact regularly.
I have a letter from a major that Dad was a driver for. He mailed it to Mom when he came home for medical treatment to let her know how Dad was doing . I'll try to forward it to you.
Also, my husband's uncle, Kisle Monroe from Lawrenceburg, Kentucky was in the Engineers. We have pictures of him also.
Have a great day.
Claudia Bryant Elam

Group shot taken in occupied Germany 1945 - H&S Company - 2833rd Bn
Click on photo for larger image.
My father Walter is seated in first row, 5th from your right. Charles is second row from your left of the H&S sign wearing sunglasses.
540th Maps from the ETO
Rosters provided by Charles
Charles' Passes

Colonel Marvin on left, commanding officer of the 540th Engineers.
My dad is top row, 1st on your left. Charles is in same row in middle. 4th Platoon.

Dead Nazi

Papa in the middle

Charles in middle
Charles in truck

Stick 'em up


In the collage, there is a photo of a foreign sailor. My grandfather gave him a letter to mail in Italy. The sailor wrote my grandmother a letter, including his photo, and mailed Charles' letter to the states.
Photo Collage - added 10-02-05