After viewing the photos in Overseas With the 540th Combat Engineers, you get to know the names and faces of the men and wonder what they were like. As I gazed at the pictures of Lt Colonel Jack O'Brien and the other officers, I grew curious to know what kind of men they were and hoped that I might get a chance to glimpse a bit about their past. Well I got that chance and I'm happy to report that I've become acquainted with John O'Brien of Dallas, Texas, Jack's son.
Over the last several weeks, he's shared not only his father's military history with me, but also many great black and white photos and maps from the ETO.

Captain Al Mariani is second from right in front row. He and dad formed Mariani and O'Brien Engineering Firm in St. Petersburg, Florida after the war.
2832nd HQ - Germany - May 1945
In the picture of A Company, Captain Robert Irvin is on the left. He was one of dad's best friends in St. Petersburg. Awarded the silver and bronze stars and purple heart medals for his valiant service.
Officers of the 2832 Bn Co A

Mariana and O'Brien
Bridge at Flavigny Oct 15, 1944

Civitavecchia, Italy - Summer 1944

Jack and Fred Wood in Germany


Farewell to Colonel Marvin Party - April 1945

Photo taken at Hitler's Eagles Nest - June 1945

In France planning for Rhine River Crossing into Germany - March 1945

The next three photos were taken in Sicily 

Schwabisch, Germany Amy 6, 1945

Next four photos are of Tom Rice - Salerno, Italy 1943

Click on the map for larger image

Apparently Tom Pedi was a member of the 540th and a letter from him and his credits are included. Also a picture of what I imagine is a cap that was made for one of the reunions.
Tom Pedi documents