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I was contacted by Ed Bub, son of Phil Bub a 36th Combat Engineer. I asked him if he would like to have his dad on our site and so the process began. Below is an email I received from Ed and he sent me a wonderful CD that included the photo above (see below for larger image) and the copied images from the book entitled, 36th Combat Engineers - Fort Bragg. Ah, what a great find to add to our site. Thanks Phil for painstakingly scanning each page and sending me the wonderful CD.
More to come so stay tuned for the another great chapter of the 36th Combat Engineers. Till later my friends...

As promised, I have scanned the book I told you about - it's 150MB - so I'll have to snail mail you a CD. As far as pictures go, I have not been able to connect with my aunt to get her albums, so those will have to wait. I did scan one picture of my folks, my dad in uniform - it's the only one of it's kind that I have. My aunt has the rest, and she has a busy social calendar, being single and a young 89 years old. (We can only hope we fair as well as she has, she still cuts her own grass with a power mower).
Sp, pls send me your address - and I'll get this CD out to you right away!
Take care!

I have added some of the documents that Ed sent to me. I hope you enjoy these.
Phil's discharge docs, photos and more - added 10-24-04
Marion's note: 11-12-04: I will be adding the actual book detailing the 36th Combat Engineers history from Fort Bragg complete with photos and names. Excellent. Unfortunately the file is too huge and I will probably have to put it in sections. So please stay tuned.
Ed sent me more photos of his dad and his buddies from the war.