Reference and Veterans Links
Reference Materials
Troop Ship Crossings - added 03-05-2016
US Army WWII - Military Occupational Specialities - added 12-11-12
War Dog Militaria - added 12-11-12
Medals of America - added 12-11-12
Engineer Insignia Book - added 12-11-12
US Army Patches - added 12-11-12
World War II Divisions - Organic Composition - added 11-24-06
Infantry Structure - added 01-17-09
WWII Timelines - added 07-21-09

Veterans Organizations and Resources
Wounded Warrior
VFW added 01-20-2014
Acquire your DD214 - added 12-11-12
US Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs - added 06-14-06
Veterans Administration - added 08-10-05
Veterans Benefits & Services - Nationwide Gravesite Locator - added 12-23-05
How to Obtain Your Medals - added 07-31-05
Research & Publication Links

They also have forums
United States Army War College - updated 01-20-2014
SMU - Historic Government Publications from WWII - updated 01-20-2014
The US Army in WWII Series - All of the titles in this series (the Army's official history of World War II - commonly referred to as the "Green Books") are now available online - added 10-19-2011
NARA - Morning Reports and Unit Rosters - St Louis, Missouri
NARA - After Action Reports and more - College Park, Maryland
Questia - Worlds Largest Online Library - WWII
Historic Government Publications from World War II - updated 9-12-2015
United States Army Military History Institute
Army Corps of Engineers - Office of History - update 02-21-12
American WWII Orphans Network - added 12-13-04

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